bath time battles our daily won’t get IN the bath and then won’t get OUT of the bath battle.
Author: happilyeverlyafter
mommy’s makeup jaden putting on my makeup. he particularly loves my makeup brushes.
sweet slumber daddy doing what he does best – sleeping.
fever woke up with a fever of 103.3 degrees today. poor baby…
blankie he pinches his blankie for comfort – it’s the only way he’ll ever fall asleep.
my boys he sure loves his papa.
wearing mommy’s glasses he gets quite enamored with his own reflection in the mirror. add a pair of glasses to the mix and he’s glued to the mirror.
naptime Moments like this make it all worth it.
spending “quality time” with his son eric’s idea of “watching” jaden: handing over his iphone and then falling asleep.
chicka chicka boom boom reading his favorite book before bedtime. it’s only fitting that his favorite book is about the alphabet. he has a strong passion for letters and their sounds.