{snowball fight!} another year, another picture a day for a month. this is a personal project i undertake every january, where i take a photo a day of my children for the entire month. i hope to capture the little…
jaden turned four a few weeks ago but i’ve been too sick to sit at the computer and share his big day. he had a party at school filled with sweets and treats and a disco dance party! he had…
hello! my apologies for the lack of posts. i’m almost embarrassed to report that i’m still sick. we all caught hand, foot, mouth disease at the end of october but somehow i just haven’t been well ever since. the…
i love the idea of counting down to christmas, so i decided this year we’d have an advent calendar. ideally, we’d give the kids one book a day, but because the cost of books add up so quickly, we’ll be doing…
my dearest everly,i’ve been taking pictures of you every month for the last two years and it’s SO amazing seeing your growth! when you smile, it brightens up the whole room. i’ve never met anymore more affectionate than you…
i am so excited to share one of my dearest friend’s etsy shop that sells the most beautiful hawaiian jewelry. traci and i have been friends since middle school and we met through my BFF, jean. the three of us have been…
i’m sad to report that i’m still very sick. luckily, the kids only had a mild case of this virus but i’ve been hit pretty hard. we’re flying out to california later this week so hopefully i can get rid…
please excuse the crickets over here on the blog. it’s been an incredibly difficult week and a half. first, we all came down with some horrible flu and we’ve been taking turns running fevers to 104 degrees F. it’s absolutely…
we’re huge fans of curious george over here so i thought it’d be perfect to make jaden the man in the yellow hat and everly curious george for halloween. we already had a monkey costume for everly so all we…
everly must have gotten her daddy’s genes because she is so incredibly outwardly affectionate. she loves to randomly give her big brother hugs and kisses throughout the day. and whenever jaden cries, she comes over to softly pat his back…